Thursday, 28 January 2010


As the national election campaign gathers pace, things in this old neck of the woods are also “hotting” up. That vixen Karen Allen (double grrr) has got her own website, and has instigated a “state of the Borough” survey. The only problem is that she hasn’t included any pictures of yours truly either on the site or in the brochure. I must speak to her about this, if I can get the banning order lifted about not phoning her in the early hours of the morning whilst having an asthma attack (Officer, I was not heavy breathing done the line!).

I did have similar plans for my campaign in Scotland, but they were kicked in the gorbals when the old haggis brigade realized that I was in fact English and not Rab C Nesbitt's long lost brother.

I have therefore decided to divert all my efforts to Stinker Milburn’s (grrr) election site. At a recent strategy meeting in The Cottage, Milber’s and I opted for a low key approach to the forthcoming vote, favouring sparsity over commitment.

I think Stinker’s site reflects my political acumen – it basically has nothing to it, it reflects our total disdain for local and national politics, and it is just an empty, moribund shell!

Pip pip punters until later, when I will reveal why I had to make a rapid exist from a certain council committee meeting!

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