Monday, 21 December 2009



Very worrying news has reached the telescopic ears of The Posh.

Over the last few weeks one of my political enemies has been on “covert” operations, infiltrating the Twitter site of a certain market trader who “has protected their tweets”.

The culprit has clearly spent some time on his subterfuge. He (or she, if they have any brain matter) must have spent hours trawling through The Daily Telegraph for share tips, currency fluctuations, and wild speculative views on second hand Sky Remotes.

Mission Impossible? It should have been. Sadly it is now Mission Accomplished!

A certain trader has swallowed it hook, line and stinker.

A little less time should have been spent on feeding the cats and more attention applied to the Twitter “guest list”.

The problem for yours truly is that the culprit has had access to certain “comments” I have made, and publicly alluded to, about the “Gang of Four” who wish to remove me from my political premiership in the Borough.

Triple drat!

I fear the next knock at the oak(leigh) doors of Margaret Thatcher Towers may be from PC Dibble himself, armed to the hilt with a series of libel court warrants.

I’m off for a shower dear inmates, I need to practice bending over to pick up the soap!

1 comment:

  1. Looks to me like you are writing this for an audience of one. All well and good until you find out your audience is zero.

    Here's an idea for you. Pull your trousers up and open the curtains. Better still, get a job...
