Wednesday, 7 July 2010


Yee ha, muskrats, its Rodeo Dave here.

Being a sheriff in a one horse town ain't that easy, but I like to think that little old me can bring some sunshine to the lives of the settlers that inhabit this great land of ours – ya’ll know what a mean don’t you, a bit like Doris Day in Calamity Jane, except without the songs!

That’s how I feel about “Second Hand Wife Of Firefighter”, a squaw who ain’t had an easy like to say the least. Poor old Second Hand, she was orphaned at the tender age of 2 when one of the Dixon brothers from the Kelco Ranch sold her Mar and Par to the circus (apparently people with webbed feet and gills are something of an attraction in Alabama). Anyways, after many years in the wilderness, she made a name for herself selling perms and blue rinses to beaver hunters. Seeing an opening, she joined them their hunters and headed for the hills. Man, how those hunters loved their beaver! Second Hand made a lot of money for her services during this period, and as a result she was able to open her own little old saloon (sorry, that should read salon, I get confused with the two mighty easy) on the Voko Reservation, this time servicing Indians and on occasions, buffalos.

As time progressed, Second Hand fell in love with a firefighter from a one horse town nearby. The dude in question not only owned his own bucket, but he also had his own tipi, an inheritance from his own Mar and Par who sadly passed away at the hands of a circus act who left duck shaped footprints in the sand and were last seen diving into Cactus Creek. The relationship was however doomed to failure, and pretty soon both husband and bucket disappeared to find a better life yonder of Lugano Ridge.

Undeterred by the number of deaths that were surrounding her, Second Hand shacked up with a hillbilly redneck from way down south. Going by the name of Paul the Kid, he and Second Hand set up their own little love nest in the same tipi once occupied by the man with the bucket. Things all appeared to be as sweet as ma mama’s best apple pie, until Second Hand and the Kid took a stage coach to the city and got hitched after drinking a bottle of unfiltered coyote urine. From that day onwards, the relationship collapsed and after a heavy session on the old fire water, Second Hand opened her flaps and kicked the Kid out of the tipi for good.

Shortly after this eviction, I rode into the Voko Reservation and both our lives changed for good. It was “whip crack away” from the first moment Second Hand ran her fingers through my hair (singular).

Come back soon ya’ll. This story is like a buffalo on speed – it just goes on and on!


“TRUE SHIT” – the story of a sheriff in a one horse town who forgot to lay the tumble weed at the memorial to commemorate those who died during “Blusters Last Stand”.

“THE MAGNIFICENT THREE” – how a sheriff and his two deputies defied all odds and got themselves re elected to office by a horse in a one vote town.

“A FIST FULL OF POUNDS” – how a sheriffs expense claims for first class stage coach travel were used to feed his coyote dung habit.

“EL DORADO” – the story of a famous restaurant frequented by sheriffs with rusty bullet holes

“THE WILD BUNCH” – Rodeo Dave, Doc Milburn and Boss Hogg McWoody take the Mayor’s stage coach out for a spin.

“LITTLE BIG MAN” – Rodeo Dave adds an extra inch to his knee high snake skin boots in an attempt to get on his horse without the aid of a stool.

“HIRED HANDS” – Paul Pinfield and Graham Rigg star as a couple of hapless red neck cowboys who are prepared to do any bodies dirty work as long as they remain anonymous. (Laurel and Hardy rejected the chance to play the leading roles).

Monday, 5 July 2010

Buffalo Itch and the Cowboy Clap

Howdy partners!

How y’all hanging in there?

I’m mighty fine, apart from a dose of buffalo itch which is proving resistant to even the best snake oil lotion.

“Second Hand Wife Of Firefighter” doesn’t have a clue how I got the cowboy clap, but I shall reveal all later.

Things will be a bit quite over the next few days. The State Governor Paul Pinfield is in town and I have to entertain him. When I say “entertain”, I mean provide him with liquor, a good cowhand and several piles of coyote dung – that critter sure can smoke some shit!

Remember rednecks, she may be your sister, but the bible don’t allow that type of thing!

Hang in there dudes!


How “Second Hand Wife Of Firefighter”s tipi was broken into and her horse stolen

Why the rest of the squaws in the reservation are jealous of “Second Hand Wife Of Firefighter”s relationship with a sheriff.

Marriage: Why the Dominican Republic is no place to get married.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

The Voko Reservation: Part Two

After two nights living in the wilderness (I camped on the first night with the pikey’s next to the A19) I arrived at the Voko Reservation.

I wasn’t there to chew the buffalo fat.

With my best Clint Eastwood grin, I muttered “The names Dave, Rodeo Dave, and I need hair”.

I was ushered into a big tipi, removed of my beaver jacket (it was split) and purple checked shirt, and sat down in front of a mirror.

Fellow cowboys, from that moment my life changed.

Red Indian Squaw’s are internationally known for their ability to restore balding thatches, but they are not normally known for their beauty. To be frank, they normally look like Cury’s wife and smell like McWoody’s sporran. However, the vision that greeted me transgressed the standard association of a likeness to a decaying musk rat – this Indian crimper was blessed with good looks, no facial hair and yes dear reader, she had all her own teeth!

I was in love, and this time I didn’t have to pay for the privilege!

After a meagre two hair transplants (pubic buffalo hair is the best), three blue rinses and a full hour of deep root Brylcreem application, I had moved into “Second Hand Wife Of Fire-Fighter”s tipi.

Whilst our cultural differences worried me, I sought solace in my well accumulated knowledge of second hand goods (who can forget my experience with Sky Remote’s).

Whilst the love between a sheriff and his Squaw may transgress these boundaries, how would they survive against the accusations of “third hand goods”?

Like a redneck taking a leak into the sunset, all will be revealed later!





The Voko Reservation: Part One

Being a sheriff in a one horse town isn’t easy, but being a sheriff in a one horse town with a reseeding hair line is worse!

Can you imagine what it is like to enter the saloon bar at the Red Lion, only to be greeted with the cries of “Howdy Rodeo Dave, have the Indians scalped you again?”

Clearly, the time had come to reverse the decline in the amount of tumble weed which has been attached to my head for the last few years.

In times of need, I have always taken the good advice administered by my old Aunt Fanny. Lately, Fanny has being having her bush trimmed at the Voko Reservation, a regular haunt of the Apache, Cheyenne and Kelco Indian tribes. She swears by their “Blue Rinse Supreme All In One Dandruff De-Druffer” offer, which is only available on every second Monday of the month.

Could this wonder wash be the solution to my thatch problems?

As I saddled my trusty beast and rode off in to the sunset, the eternal question crossed my mind – would I ever find hair, and would I ever find love?